Here we are in November with the buzz of the holidays already ringing loudly in the air. It has been a full year, and I am looking forward to welcoming this time to rest, reflect, recharge and renew as we are on the brink of the newness to come.
Selah, a Hebrew word, has a few arguable meanings. However, the definition most commonly referenced is an instruction to “pause and reflect upon what has just been said."
Let's ponder on this word, and it's meaning for just a moment. Let's reflect over the year, and all that has transpired. How are you doing? Goals, dreams, balancing the dynamics of family, job, ministry, friends, financially, spiritually, physically and the list goes on; each one can be an overwhelming trait to master if we miss the part of Selah. Taking intentional moments to recharge personally is the key so that we may pour out abundantly.
It seems such an easy thing to do, but when all is pressing and swirling around us, Selah gets lost in the chaos. Will you join me in the challenge to intentionally embrace the pause & reflect moments first as we finish out the year? In turn, I believe this will set us up for a profound and radiant journey ahead for what's to come just over the horizon.
“Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
my hope comes from him.”