Here we are at what always seems to be the busiest time of year. Christmas bells ringing, holiday parties, family gatherings, special events, travel, even gift-giving and receiving all while the thoughts of the past year and preparations and goal setting of the new year begin to swirl around us.
I want to invite you to take a breath.
If I'm honest, I started experiencing the hustle and bustle of life about six months into this past year. I realized that my goals and priorities were getting out of line and found myself succumbed to the pressure of trying to keep up with social media, goals, community, purpose, and to-do lists as opposed to staying grounded to who I know myself to be. I lost sight of the intentionality of everything I was putting my hand to and took on obligation in exchange for delight. Amid that extreme tension, I shut down in some areas, realizing I needed to take a step back, take a deep breath and re-evaluate.
You may find yourself in this same state, especially as we are on the horizon of a new year. New beginnings, goal setting, and writing out steps to accomplishing dreams tend to become our focus. I believe in the importance of all those things; however, I want to encourage you not to lose sight of who you are and the purpose set before you at this exact moment.
In taking a step back, slowing my pace down, and leaning into quietness and rest, the truth of the Lord's nearness became evident once again. The reality of His Presence brought fresh fragrance to some areas in my life that I had neglected.
In the same manner, I invite you to let the noise of life during this busy season and upcoming year fade to the background and embrace the reality of this very moment. You will find His Presence is in constant pursuit of you, beckoning you not to get lost in the cycle of life, and reminding you of the importance of intentionality for your "right here and now" moments.
“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. ”
“Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”
“My soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken ”