Three simple words, yet so vast in question and wonder.
Whether we are asking this to a family member, friend, wise counsel, ourselves or even a stranger; it's a question that always beckons for a response as we pause and reflect and confront what lies before us.
When we take a moment to lean into this concept, evaluate where we are at on our journey and what/how we are walking it out in our day to day lives; an opportunity for a deeper understanding can come to light. I have friends who have walked confidently in their life's purpose since day one it seems. On the other hand, I have some friends that are still searching and asking what they are to do with their life. All in all, this is the question to keep before us, no matter if we are staking our claim or drowning in doubt.
Here's the realization I have come to find. I believe that what we love and are passionate about is a huge part of our overall calling and purpose. Those factors alone serve as a divine compass that guides us each step of the way. Moreover, if it shows itself true to adding value and life to the situation at hand, you are meeting an extreme need, whether seen or unseen. Even though there are twists and turns on the journey or stumbles in how we started or what it looked like before may be different now; the seed was planted long ago. Determining if it needs watered or pruned is for us to discern.
I write this for all of us in pursuit of fulfilling the purpose God has called us to. It won't look like what your neighbor is doing. Nine times out of ten, it won't look like what you thought it would, and it might not even look like what you started with. But the good news is, we all have something to give to this world in need. Now more than ever is the time to lean in full force and share what's been birthed within you. Step out with courage. Embrace what you love. Pursue what you are passionate about and watch Him do the rest.
“ “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.””