A Sure Foundation


It's already June 2020 - and what a year it has been! Undoubtedly, this is a pivotal time for America, our nation, and The Church at large. Moreover, our children, families, homes, and hearts have encountered much-unexpected and immediate transition. Assuredly, we have done what we can to navigate through this season as best as possible.

As I have personally reflected and processed through these past several months and weeks, the emotions have been real, raw, and very intense. In reality, the vast overwhelm in carrying on with business as usual to extreme isolation and loneliness have encompassed me almost on a minute by minute basis. In as much, I am sure you and many others have felt the same, if not more. Most recently, these past few weeks, we've seen multitudes take a stand for justice like never before.

I believe we can all say that we are living in an unprecedented season of time. Doubts and questions have tried to unravel what we know, trust, and rely on as our firm foundation. Yet, as Believers, may we not forget that this is the very essence of where faith begins - in the unknown and the unseen. He is our anchor.

Maybe you've walked through many various seasons of uncertainty, isolation, and strife.

Maybe you've led a charge for the voiceless to be heard and the wrongs to be made right.

Maybe you have experienced dissension, discord, or come from a broken and shattered home.

Or maybe you have carried unforgiveness towards yourself or others for far too long.

With deep respect and sensitivity to our circumstances, culture, climate, and plot in life - I urge us all to look at every situation through the lens of God's infallible Word.

Wherever you find yourself, the reality of each season and life stage must be brought back to these truths. In doing so, I believe this is where our hearts begin to transform into His likeness and where the change that we long to see begins to take place. No matter the storm, Jesus is the only foundation that will not waiver. (Is 33:6) He is the solid ground that our faith, trust, and hope must be built upon. (Matt. 7:24-26) No matter where we were born, our skin color, or our racial descent, we were all created in the likeness and image of God (Gen 1:27; Deut. 10:17; Rom. 2:11). Whether we have a loud or quiet stand for justice, He gives strength to all who are weary and increases the power of the powerless. He tells us to be strong and courageous (Deut. 31:6; Is 40:29) and has called us to be a voice for the voiceless. (Prov. 31:8-9) Even if we find ourselves experiencing loneliness, despair, fear, or anger, He is our Refuge, our Defender, and our ever-present help in times of trouble. (Ps 46:1) He greets us with open arms when we turn to Him. (Ps 62:8, Joshua 1:9)

In all of this, our cry must first bring us back to the Word, Power, and Person of Jesus Christ. For it is in this truth alone, we allow for the “heart work” to be done in us personally and discover UNITY with one another as He has designed it. The Blood of Jesus was and is for ALL. There is not a human that He did not die for. There is not a soul that His blood can not save. There is not a lonely or abandoned heart that He cannot lavish with his unconditional love.

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I urge you, then—I who am a prisoner because I serve the Lord: live a life that measures up to the standard God set when he called you. Be always humble, gentle, and patient. Show your love by being tolerant with one another. Do your best to preserve the unity which the Spirit gives by means of the peace that binds you together. There is one body and one Spirit, just as there is one hope to which God has called you. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism; there is one God and Father of all people, who is Lord of all, works through all, and is in all.
— Eph 4:1-6 (GNT)