Those seasons where He calls us to ‘just be’. And for those who are ‘doers’ it can be quite challenging.
This is the exact season He has had me in…. there’s been a few days where I’ve been ok with embracing the season, but honestly, most days I’ve fought kicking & screaming and in a flood of tears. Yet through it all, He shows Himself faithful – even in the midst of all my questions and frustrations. He still continues His work while I do nothing, but ‘just be’. He only requires my willingness to let Him do the work.
And then suddenly, dark begins to give way to the Light, carrying the reminder of His Hope and the future He has promised over my life. That may look differently for each of us, but maybe that comes in the forming of new kingdom relationships, or a reassuring affirmation that you are right where He wants you – where you feel like you are doing nothing, but His Life in you is speaking and blessing others in some way. Maybe, just maybe, while you are doing nothing but just being, He is the one doing the work!
Be reminded that even when He calls you to ‘just be,’ there is purpose in that season. And even though you may not see anything happening, rest assured that He is doing everything perfectly. He has not forgotten the promise, the future or the hope He has declared and destined over your life. And Light will once again come piercing through.
For now, just be.