Merry Christmas

It seems that the December month along with the holidays, festivities and celebrations with friends and family often bring reminiscent thoughts of the past year.  Memories of the struggles the victories; the pain, sorrow, and heartache, yet the glorious and joyous occasions as well; each one special in its unique way.

I've written much about our past year's journey, but allow me once again to share another brief nugget from the season.

Last year at this time, Freddy and I were trying to prepare (as best as anyone can) mentally for the uncertain journey ahead. We had a confirmed diagnosis of End Stage Renal Failure. With that, we knew dialysis treatments were soon to begin in January and were trying our best to get all the tests done and cleared to be accepted and put on the list for a kidney transplant.  Every ounce of what I had dove unswervingly into the Ultimate Healer, the True Sustainer Jesus Christ to trust Him in a way like never before.

You can read more about that journey here.

My thoughts now, looking back to where we were a year ago to the present, I am not the same.  Freddy is not the same.  We are not the same.  We saw the Lord come through above and beyond what our minds could have ever comprehended! He indeed made the path straight and oh so beautiful every step of the way.  Was it easy?  Absolutely NOT!! Were there tears?  Absolutely YES (lots of them mostly on my end in my silent moments).  Even still, there was also a joy!  Joy, not because of our circumstances, but joy because we have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  He alone gives us JOY, and in turn, His joy is our strength.  (Psalm 28:7)  There is no denying the fact that God was and is the author and finisher of this victorious story.   

You may find yourself in a place of wondering as this year comes to a close.  You may be celebrating the birth of new life as another may be grieving the life of one that has gone too soon. You may find yourself faced with some major life-changing decisions or experiencing your best year yet. Heartache and pain, joy and love are all apart of life's journey. Moreover, there is a peace and a joy that can surround you in the midst of it all. Jesus Christ is the only One who can satisfy and calm the waves and wind of all this life brings.

His Word says,  “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me, and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me, and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matt. 11:28-30)

This is the season we celebrate the birth of Christ.  The One in which all things are found; peace, life, beauty, healing, restoration, joy, strength, grace, wisdom, guidance, new beginnings, and the list goes on.  Whatever you need - He is more than able to provide.  All you have to do is call on the name of Jesus, and He will come. He is waiting with open arms.

May this season surround us all with the ultimate presence of the Giver of Life, Jesus.  Let our hearts find new meaning in the Christmas carol, "Joy To the World the Lord Has Come.  Let earth receive her King".

May you find Him in your everyday occurrences, pouring out His love on you and renewing you with steadfast joy.

Merry Christmas!
